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Scarlett, whose room lay across the hall from her mother’s, knew from babyhood the soft sound of scu

ying bare black feet on the hardwood floor in the hours of dawn, the urgent tappings on her mother’s door, and the muffled, frightened negro voices that whispered of sickness and birth and death in the long row of whitewashed cabins in th a child, she often had crept to the door and, peeping through the tiniest crack, had seen Ellen emerge from the dark room, where Gerald’s snores were rhythmic and untroubled, into the flickering light of an upheld candle, her medicine case under her arm, her hair smoothed neatly into place, and no button on her basque unlooped.

It had always been so soothing to Scarlett to hear her mother whisper, firmly but passionately, as she tiptoed down the hall:“Hush, not s will wake Mr. O’ are not sick enough to die.”

Yes, it was good to creep back into bed and know that Ellen was a

oad in the night and everything was right.

In the mornings, after all-night sessions at births and deaths, when old Dr. Fontaine and young Dr. Fontaine were both out on calls and uld not be found to help her, Ellen presided at the

eakfast table as usual, her dark eyes circled with weariness but her voice and manner revealing none of th was a steely quality under her stately gentleness that awed the whole household, Gerald as well as the girls, though he would have died rather than admit it.

Sometimes when Scarlett tiptoed at night to kiss her tall mother’s cheek, she looked up at the mouth with its too short, too tender upper lip, a mouth too easily hurt by the world, and wondered if it had ever curved in silly girlish giggling or whispered secrets through long nights to intimate gir no, that wasn’ had always been just as she was, a pillar of strength, a fount of wisdom, the one person who knew the answers to everything.




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